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Latest Musings From

Trusted Nomad

Should compelling user experiences be Seamless or Effortless?

Most everywhere I turn, I hear notions of seamless being used as it relations to consumer experiences. Whether it’s seamless o…

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There was supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom…

What happened with AR, VR, and its odd offspring, XR? Why aren’t most of us living in the Oasis right now? Some say it’s…

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Where on the darn page is the recipe I need? GenAI and the promise of distraction free information

It’s Saturday, early evening. You’ve opened a bottle of relatively nice red wine. No two buck chuck, you worked hard thi…

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Beyond Rainbows and Unicorns, Understanding the Unintended Consequences of AI: LLM Collapse, Outcome Hoarding, and Expertise Rot

I often try to peek around the corner of innovation trends to see might be lurking there through the lens of systems thinking. I ten…

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MAD AI and the new Matrix moment

Some of you may have seen the recent convergence of several projects across such august institutions as Rice University and Stanford…

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Back in the saddle again…

I’m reminded of Gene Autry’s classic as I type this, getting back out to the world of engaging with a broader community …

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